Best version yet!! Best version yet!! Best version yet!! Best version yet!!
Why did you do this upside down? It must be there any reason.
Anyway it is interesting.
Thank you Jin, it is far more interesting upside down then in normal view, since the thing had no attention nor appeal otherwise.
I tried this painting twice yet never succeeded in getting the leaves right, even with different techniques. I might either destroy the painting or get those leaves taken out and replaced by other things.
If you have any ideas, I love to hear them.
It would be a pity that the Louboutin girl would be gone!
Dear Voy
If I were you ,I 'd like to apply gray gesso use a paper towel at the folidge area.
This is because if you use black gesso, the contrast will be too strong and the brightness of the work will be spoiled.
The key here is to randomly make a lot of small gaps so that you can see the other side that is not filled.
Later highlight by various bright color by coner of the round or the oval brush.
And center area will be better it is seen the sky.
Of course, girls are wonderful, so I think it's okay.
Jin, this sounds like a good idea. I have grey gesso so will give that a go! I hope to show a good result of this very soon.
Thank you my friend, for your help, advice and support!!
My pleasure .
When you apply highlight It is important not to fill the entire area.
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This painting held high expectations for me and they were not all fulfilled. Specially the leaves on the birches were a small disaster and after some tips from my peers, I changed it.
The old paint was craped off, blended with a cloth and I used the technique with cotton paws iso brushes. Me and the family noticed improvement yet no real success still. At least it is better then the former version so I decided to keep it.
Please comment if you like! Since the former paintings were deleted, I still kept the comments and placed them in my first comment box.
Comments: None
It's been five weeks since I wanted to try out this one. Couldn't get the appropriate canvas at first because of Corona issues but finally obtained one last week. What really appealed to me in this painting was the girl, the rain drenched surface and the autumn leaves.
Well ... I got a lot of things right, specially the girl, .... but not the leaves. Pity!!
Canvas used was a museum thickness 20"x20" and prepared with liquid white. Lots of different paints and brushes were used in this (FIVE brushes alone for the girl!!).
Hardest were the leaves, never got colour and shapes right there. In fact few was easy with this one where the original was made in acrylics. The girl was painted larger by me and that made it possible to paint Louboutin shoes for her ..... more or less!!
Real fun to do and please, share some comments FROM ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS!
Stay safe and enjoy!
Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges
Quality of the picture is rather low unfortunately. I would invite anybody, interested in viewing this creation better, to upload this and magnify it. It will show far better details and texture!
0 Delete Create article 24 May 2020 , 6:25am
A woman with an umbrella is nicely drawn. Rain is often drawn in Japanese Ukiyo-E, which is rarely seen in western paintings. Till next!
0 Report 24 May 2020 , 8:35am
Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges
Thank you for a nice comment in my darkened days Jin.
I checked that Ukiyo-E rain style and I really like it! It might be an idea for a future painting. It must be challenging to include rain drops in an oil painting. I did not do it here since I thought I might further ruin the painting. I chose to paint the girl with an umbrella to protect her from the water leaking trees.
Stay safe and till soon my friend!
0 Delete Create article 24 May 2020 , 8:40am
The girl came out great. I feel like she is really walking on a wet surface. Plus you gave he Louboutins so I love the shoes!!
1 Report 24 May 2020 , 1:16pm
Dear Voy Emergency willbe over soon in Japan.
How about your country ?
We need patience now. I hope the emergency in all nations will end soon.
0 Report 25 May 2020 , 8:56am
Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges
Dear Lzicchinella, so happy to know you like the girl! Because of the bigger silhouette size then normal, I was able to give her Louboutins. It does not show well on the uploaded picture but of you were to magnify it, it is clearly visible!
Have fun painting and till next one!
1 Delete Create article 25 May 2020 , 12:48pm
Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges
Dear Jin, we are getting into a small lockdown and things are getting more loosened about every week. We are still not 100% out of it, hotels and restaurants are still closed, the schools only half open.
Personally, I believe it is too soon to get completely out of a lockdown since we still have over 200 NEW contaminations every day, and that for such small country as ours!!
Today, I needed to go to the garage, with my reasonable brand new car, and there, the mechanic could only sit next to me when we both were wearing masks!! Such crazy feeling!!
Also today we we planned a picnic in a very rarely visited park (so practically nobody else goes or walks there) but we learned from the authorities that it was forbidden to do that, even with precautions taken. We were very unhappy with that rule but we can understand it. Because, even when WE are very careful, it does not mean that EVERYBODY ELSE is careful!
So …. we had a picnic in our attic instead (all the space in the world!!)! With some wine, mostly food from our greenhouse and vegetable garden and some music from Strauss!
BEST afternoon we had spent all year my friend!!!!!
I am happy to learn Japan is brightening up! The Olympics are postponed for a year but maybe that is a small price to pay for being free of risks. That disease is a real nasty one, so you, me and the world world need to be cautious and use our sane mind and heart. Then soon, we all will be freed of all sorrow that Corona has brought to us!
Wishing you a super week, freind Jin, and till next painting, message, change of warm hearts and thoughts!!
0 Delete Create article 25 May 2020 , 12:59pm
Voy, glad to read about things getting better!
You are very creative to have picknick in the attic with nice music and wine!
If painting is still wet you can add this thing but it is a bravery test. Turn painting upside down. Take a cloth. And pull down the trees. In fact it will be up to the sky. You may want to add some of the blue to create illusion of the sky in between the trees. It will also make an illusion of wet trees/reflection. It may give interesting result and brake that uniform color and shape into smaller ones. Just one vertical stroke. But do it if you are ready experiment on such a good canvas and if you are more unsatisfied than satisfied with your painting.
0 Report 19 hours ago
Right side of the leaves could serve as a wonderful background for still life or for abstract art. Those colors and brush strokes inside triangle of the leaves on the right are complex and very nice.
0 Report 19 hours ago
I think leaves on the trees are way too complex for the selected color scheme of the lower part of the painting and this what breaks painting into two parts. Each one of them are great on their own, but not together.
0 Report 19 hours ago
Today I finally realized what I like about the leaves in the right corner. They look like opal, the gem stone!
0 Report 10 hours ago
Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges
It is true! I just checked with the pieces of opal that I have acquired in Western Australia and one of them has actually the same colors as thos weird leaves on the right!!!
What a immaculate observer you are Sunnylady!
BTW, will work something out very soon with the leaves and your ideas has given me inspiration. More on this to follow!
Have a great day!